Member-only story
Samhain Dance
Darker nights and chilly air
on this night do we invoke
brings all other worldly folk
draw the circle, call the quarters
Paralda, Djinn then Nixsa Gob
Dance the circle round it goes
Samhains here, the time of year when the veil is thinnest
inviting those who’ve gone before, so ask them what you will
bring them honor, love and dance, together we will cast a spell
friend and family may soon come so set a plate and beat the drum to startle those we would not want, the hauntings of a mischievous lot
make merry while the circles cast, sharing laughter wine and dance
for times remembered and times to be
and in the end at circles close
back through your feet the circle goes down to the Mother of us all on this Hallow night each Fall.