Member-only story
The Best Year Ever
I’m sure we all do it, at least I know I do. Every year around this time, usually beginning in November once the holidays have really started to kick in, I get reflective. It is especially pronounced for me because my birthday is New Years Day, so it’s kind of a built-in reflexive response. I think all of us have an internal dialog that goes something like this. “What did I accomplish this year? god it really went by so quick”. “This year is going to be different.” “This year I’m going to lose that weight, for me. I’m going to really get organized, get everything in order.” For most of us, it is a cycle that seemingly repeats itself year after year and for a good reason. We are hardwired to find the path of least resistance through life, and like a record the flow of our lives, the daily habits we’ve formed will repeat over, and over the more times it’s played. In a lot of ways this is a good thing, but like a perpetual Groundhog Day, it prevents us from achieving those goals, sure you’re might make a valiant attempt at going to the gym, changing the diet, or making whatever change it was you set for yourself. Typically most people will lose steam somewhere around 2 to 3 weeks in. Life will come up and prevent you, its funny the way those things happen that will pull you back into the old familiar pattern of your life before you attempted to make it better.